About Me

I was born in Kansas, but grew up in California.  I attended San Jose State University where I graduated with a BS in General Engineering, minor in mathematics.

My first job out of college was developing games for Atari.  Such a fun job.

More on my videogames here


After videogames I joined West Valley Construction as a software developer and IT manager.  There I was involved in IT, web development, database design, and much more.  Also a fun job.

Me in my shiny company vest.  Obviously they didn't let me out of the office much.



I'm now retired and living in northern California



My projects...

My first website is a photographic tribute to a famous San Francisco landmark, the Cliff House.  It's a nice place to get lost if you're the nostalgic sort...



World Peace

The goal of foreign policy should be world peace, not the furtherance of economic interests. This video is my proposal for reforming our foreign policy.




Immigration Reform

A proposal for
immigration reform



Transportation Proposal


Sometimes you need evolution, sometimes you need revolution.
This is my proposal for the latter.


Single-Use Plastics

A proposal for
eliminating single use

Healthcare Reform

A proposal for
healthcare reform

Voter Information Guide

Expertvoter.org was a simple grid of youtube videos, candidates on the left, issues along the top.

(now defunct)


And my true love, gardening...

My garden when we lived in the city


Enclosed porch (more)


“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”
-- attributed to Mahatma Gandi